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Showing posts from 2015

The 5 Most Popular Name of Garut

As we know, Garut is a city that has a very beautiful natural scenery and probably will not be found in other cities. In addition, community Garut city is also famous friendly. So no wonder, since the first Garut has had many nicknames of praise and good and positive. Talking about nicknames Garut city, the most famous is the nickname of Garut Kota Intan / Diamond City, which is provided directly by the president of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Sukarno. Other nicknames there Pangirutan Garut, Garut Kota Dodo, and Garut Switzerland Van Java. Here are the 5 most popular nickname given to the city of Garut. 1. Garut Swiss Van Java The nickname 'Garut Swiss Van Java' or Garut the Switzerland of Java, was popular around the beginning of the 20th century. At that time, Garut known as the most attractive tourist destination in the world. Many great men came to Garut for a vacation. Established luxury hotels, tourist spots are managed and developed. In front of Garut Station, also...

Situ Bagendit, Banyuresmi - Garut

Short Legend Of Situ Bagendit Situ Bagendit has its own legend. According to the legend or folklore, once upon a time there was a wealthy woman but miserly, named Nyai Endit. Nyai Endit was known very stingy and evil, especially to the poor people in that village, until the moment when she had a party, there was an old man appeared and asking her (Nyai Endit) for some foods. Because of her charecter like that, Nyai Endit did not give anything in the old man until he went away. The next day the local people there become precarious because of the piece of stick that stuck in the village but there was no one who able to pull it out. Until finally the old man coming back and pull out the stick. The effect for pulling out that stick: water was flowing increase heavily and eventually drown the region. Nyi Endit with her greedy character, because of her love for treasure, she didn't want to leave her house and finally joined sink. And the water that flew continuosly lead the lake w...

About Dodol Garut

Dodol has many variety and manufacture a tradition in some city in Indonesia. For example there are dodol Betawi, dodol China, dodol Subang (Pineapple Dodol), and the one and only which is so famous, Dodol Garut. If compared with other kinds of dodol, Dodol Garut perhaps most well known today. Not only in Garut, but at the national level is already known as a unique food of Garut. Later, dodol Garut also exported to foreign countries, like Dubai and Taiwan. Like the other Dodol, dodol Garut originally is a traditional food that is made in the home industry. Therefore, it is very difficult to investigate who first made this type of dodol. One thing important that Dodol Garut has been known since the Dutch era. That time, many Dutch Ladies that clever to make dodol, both for their own food at home or for sale. Along with the times, Dodol Garut has been produced in a modern way. Dodol Garut is one commodity that has been able to lift the image of Garut as Dodol producer of high quality ...

Sawah Lega - Garut

Good afternoon friends. Okay, here I want to tell you about my hometown in Garut. My house is located in a village called Dangdeur, located in the district Bayongbong, Mekarsari Village. Included in the highland areas in Garut. The air in my hometown is still very fresh and far from air pollution. especially if mornings, sometimes can make the body shivering with cold. Conditions in my village has not been too many houses, like in a big city. There are still a lot of vacant land to plantations or fields. Talk about ricefield, next to my house there is a village called Kampung "Sawah Lega". "Sawah" mean ricefield, and "lega" is sundanese which if interpreted in English means "large". Yes there are many square of ricefields that stretched like a tapestry. If you come there in the afternoon, you can feel the fresh air and see the beautiful views. rice fields surrounded by mountains adds to the beauty of the scenery. If you look to the west, you ...

Mount Cikuray

The title "Swiss Van Java" that carried by Garut is very suitable, because as we know that the natural conditions of this town surrounded by mountains that present some cool air in Garut. The beauty of the mountains that surround the city is making a lot of climbers flock to enjoy the thrill of climbing mountains in Garut. And one of the most crowded mountain is Cikuray Mountain. Unlike other mountains that surround Garut, mountain Cikuray is not included into the category of active volcanoes, so it does not have a crater. Mount. Cikuray is a mountain that located in Garut, West Java. Cikuray mountain has an altitude of 2,821 meters above sea level and is the fourth highest mountain in West Java after Mount Gede. The mountain is located in the border districts Bayongbong, Cikajang, and Dayeuh Manggung. For achieving Cikuray can be reached by public transport from Bandung or from Tasikmalaya to Terminal Guntur (Guntur Bus Station). From there forwarded by public tran...

The 3 Most Beautiful Beaches In Garut

Hello friends let me show you the attractions / tourist objects of a very beautiful beach in my town, Garut. Yes, as we know that Garut, besides surrounded by mountains, there are also many beautiful beaches that we can make those as a tourist attraction during the holidays arrive. For me as the origin of Garut this is not just beaches but this is one of the "World Heaven" that we have in the southern of Garut. Okay, let's check these out. 1. Santolo Beach Santolo is a beach located in Garut, West Java, Indonesia. Garut is not only famous for Garut Orange but one popular beaches are in Garut namely Santolo Beach. Located in Cikelet, south of Garut city or usually called South Garut (Garsel), mileage within 3.5 hours drive or about 88 kms from the city of Garut. This beach is well known in the city and is a tourist destination. Santolo Coast region is a gathering of traditional fishermen will be developed into a wonderful tourist destination. Is also an area to fishing ...

History of Garut City Establishment

Hello friends, here I will explain a little history about the establishment of a beautiful city named Garut. Yes that is Garut, my hometown. Garut is a city that is still beautiful and the air is still cool. Far away from the fumes and industrial pollution. Okay, this is the history of Garut city, from its establishment to the origin of the name Garut itself. Check it out guys. Background History of Garut begins with the dissolution of Limbangan regency in 1811 by Daendels by reason of coffee production from the area Limbangan decreased to the lowest point zero and the Regents refused orders to plant indigo (indigo). On February 16, 1813, the Lieutenant Governor in Indonesia at that time occupied by Stamford Raffles, has issued a decree on the re-establishment of the District Limbangan that its capital in Suci. For a District City, Suci was judged to have no requirements because the area is quite narrow. In this case, the Regent of Limbangan Adipati Adiwijaya (1813-1831) forme...